
MO Jinhan
Tel: 010-62779994
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Indoor air pollution monitoring and control


Ph.D,  Department of Building Science, Tsinghua University, 2003.07 – 2009.07

B.S., Department of Building Science, Tsinghua University, 1999.09 –  2003.07


Associate Professor, Department of Building Science, Tsinghua  University, 2015-01 – present

Assistant Professor, Department of Building Science, Tsinghua  University, 2012-08 – 2014-12

Post  Dr., Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University, 2009.07 – 2012-08

Exchange student, International Centre for Indoor Environment and  Energy, advisors: P. Ole Fanger, Lei Fang, Technical University of  Denmark, 2005.11 – 2006.11


Formation mechanism, main control factors and health effects of indoor  new pollutants such as SVOCs.   National Key Research and Development Program. Principal investigator.  2016-2020.

Air  pollution control in indoor environment. National Natural Science  Foundation of China (NSFC). Principal investigator. 2018 – 2020.

Formation mechanism of secondary pollutions from air filter in HAVC  system, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). Principal  investigator. 2015 – 2018.

Degradation of indoor  volatile organic pollutants by photo-thermal catalyst: assembly, couple  effect and mechanism. National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC).  Principal investigator. 2011 – 2013.

Intermediates of indoor volatile organic pollutants by photo-thermal  catalyst. China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. Principal investigator.  2009 – 2010.

Performance evaluation of an air cleaning device with a vacuum  regeneration system used in a simulated space station. China Astronaut  Research and Training Center. Co-principal investigator. 2011 – 2012.

Performance evaluation of an air cleaning device used in a simulated  space station. China Astronaut Research and Training Center.  Co-principal investigator. 2010.


Yaglou Award, International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ)  Academy, 2016

Rank  5, Natural Science Award (First Class), Ministry of education, China,  Dec. 2010.

Youth Science and Technology Advancement Award of the Chinese Society  for Environmental Sciences, Dec. 2012.

Distinguished PhD’s Degree Thesis with Honor, Tsinghua University, Jul.  2009.

Xia  Anshi Award for academic excellence in the field of HVAC&R in China,  Mar. 2009.


Xiao  R, Mo J H, et al., An in-situ thermally regenerated air purifier (TRAP)  for indoor formaldehyde removal, Indoor Air, 2018, 28: 266-275.

Tian  E Z, Mo J H, et al., Experimental study of a compact electrostatically  assisted air coarse filter: Synergistic particle charging and filter  polarization for efficient particle removal with low ozone production,  Building and Environment, 2018, 135: 153-161.

Day  D, Xiang J B, Mo J H, Weschler C, Ohman-Strickland P, Sundell J, Zhang Y  P, Zhang J, et al., Association of Ozone Exposure with Cardiorespiratory  Pathophysiologic Mechanisms in Healthy Adults, JAMA Internal Medicine,  2017, 177: 1344-1353

Du Z  J, Mo J H, et al., Risk Assessment of Population Exposure to Volatile  Organic Compounds and Carbonyls in Urban China, Environmental  International, 2014, 73: 33-45.

Du Z  J, Mo J H, Zhang Y P, et al., Evaluation of a new passive sampler using  hydrophobic zeolites as adsorbents for exposure measurement of indoor  BTX, Analytical Methods, 2013, 5, 3463-3472

Mo J  H, Zhang Y P, Xu Q J, Effect of water vapor on the by-products and  decomposition rate of ppb-level toluene by photocatalytic oxidation,  Applied Catalysis B: Environment, 2013, 132– 133: 212– 218. Journal  Impact Factor=6.01. Zhang Y P, Mo J H, Weschler C J, Reducing health  risks from indoor exposures in rapidly developing urban China,  Environmental Health Perspectives, 2013, 121: 751-755

Mo J  H, Zhang Y P, Xu Q J et al., Determination and risk assessment of  by-products resulting from photocatalytic oxidation of toluene, Applied  Catalysis B: Environment, 2009, 89: 570-576.

Mo J  H, Zhang Y P, Xu Q J, Lamson J, Zhao R Y, Photocatalytic purification of  volatile organic compounds in indoor air: A literature review,  Atmospheric Environment, 2009, 43(14): 2229-2246.

Mo J  H, Zhang Y P, Yang R, Novel insight into voc removal performance of  photocatalytic oxidation reactors, Indoor Air, 2005, 15(4): 291-300.

Mo J  H, Zhang Y P, Xu Q J, Yang R, Effect of TiO2/adsorbent hybrid  photocatalysts for toluene decomposition in gas phase, Journal of  Hazardous Materials, 2009, 168: 276-281.

Mo J  H, Zhang Y P, Yang R and Xu Q J, Influence of fins on formaldehyde  removal in annular photocatalytic reactors, Building and Environment,  2008, 43(3): 238-245.

Chu D R, Mo J H, Peng Q, Zhang Y P, Wei Y G, Zhuang Z B, Li Y D,  Enhanced photocatalytic properties of SnO2 nanocrystals with decreased  size for ppb-level acetaldehyde decomposition, ChemCatChem, 2010, 3:  371-377.

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